Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013


Simple Past tense

Simple Past tense merupakan bentuk kalimat yang biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan di masa lampau. Simple past tense ditandai dengan kata kerja bentuk kedua, auxilary verb (did), dan keterangan waktu seperti yesterday, last night, dan lain sebagainya. Rumus atau pola dari simple past tense adalah sebagai berikut :

Berlaku untuk semua subyek.
Kalimat positif (+) :
S + V2 + object complement

Example :
  1. I went to Bali last week
  2. We played the game yesterday
  3. They did their homework together
  4. You used my pencil last night
  5. He studied hard last year
  6. She listened to the music two days ago.

Kalimat negatif (-) :
S + did + not + V1 + object complement

Example :
  1. I did not go to Bali last week
  2. We did not play the game yesterday
  3. They did not do their homework together
  4. You did not use my pencil last night
  5. He did not study hard last year
  6. She did not listen to the music two days ago.

Kalimat tanya (?) :
Did + S + V1 + object complement ?

Example :
  1. Did I go to Bali last week ?
  2. Did we play the game yesterday ?
  3. Did they do their homework together ?
  4. Did you use my pencil last night ?
  5. Did he study hard last year ?
  6. Did she listen to the music two days ago ?
